
Ok, now I want to post about my homework. Aaarrgh, I did my homework so late and fortunately my teacher not scold to me... ^.^

It's my fortune I think :D

So, I don't want to talk about anything now. And, check this out, Guys ! ^.^

How to Use Television

Procedure Text How to Use Televisi Dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya\

The Materials:
  • Televisi (TV)
  • Remote (Remot)
  • Cable box (receiver)
The Steps:
  1. First, plug in the calbe to the electricty.
  2. Then, turn on the televisi by pressing the power button on the remote. If you use additional device make sure that you may have to turn them on separately too.
  3. Third, turn on the cable box. Usually the cable box shows number if it is already on, otherwise if it shows blank screen, it’s probably off. Next, press some numbers on the remote to change the channel. If the channel can’t be changed, something might be wrong with your remote. Please check the batteries or use other universal remote.
  4. If it is doesn’t work too, just walk over to your TV and press the power and some other buttons. Then, you can find the television show that you want to watch.
  5. Last, if you’ve finished watching the TV, turn off the TV to save the electricity. If you want to watch TV late into the night, do not forget to set the time on your TV. Do not let you fall asleep and the TV is switched on and watch you back! Happy watching! ^_^

Question !

1.     1.   What is the goal of the text ?
a.       How to use television.
b.      How to operate television.
c.       How to broke television.
d.      How to steal television.
2.      2.  How many steps are there ?
a.       5 steps.
b.      3 steps.
c.       6 steps.
d.      1 step.
3.       3. What is the finally procedure ?
      a.       Turn on the TV.
      b.      Broke the TV.
      c.       Watering the TV.

      d.      Turn off the TV.

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